These days, it pays to reduce your company’s carbon footprint– not only will you be helping the environment, you will also gain some points with your clients since more and more people in Kentucky and around the world are favoring businesses with genuine concern for the planet’s future. While going green is no easy feat, the good news is that you can start just about anywhere from your daily operations to your choice of environmentally-friendly janitorial equipment from Louisville distributors. Here are some effective tips for helping your office board the green bandwagon:
Buying Green
You can recognize green products right off the bat: they’re usually the ones bearing the “Energy Star” seal, or other similar signs of recognition by reputable organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency. Furthermore, you can also investigate items that you’re looking to buy by searching for them online and learning as much about their function as you can– if they don’t use or produce pollutants, then they’re likely green enough for regular use.