Office germs are real, and if you don’t do something about it, they can spread around the workplace faster than you can imagine. This can lead to lower productivity, as more of your employees take a day (or days) off to recuperate.
This might sound pretty alarming, but did you know that there are as many as 21,000 germs per square inch awaiting each employee at their desks? That’s actually 400 times more than the toilet. What’s worse, these germs tend to thrive on constant human touch. With every regular contact with their keyboards, mouse and phones, people are essentially encouraging germs to prosper. When this happens, germs and bacteria can easily spread throughout the workplace. Because people in the office spend hours in close quarters, they become at risk for various infections.
This is exactly why offices need to make sure that they regularly conduct cleaning activities throughout their workspace to help keep germs from spreading. To make sure cleaning is effective, you also need to make sure that the people in charge of office maintenance are properly equipped for the task. That said, here are some basic janitorial supplies and janitorial equipment you need to get the job done. Read more on this article: