Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Maintenance Tips to try Before Bringing Your Unit for Vacuum Repair

Just like any other kind of cleaning equipment, there will come a time when your vacuum cleaner will have functional issues. The trick is to determine if it’s time for a repair or a replacement, or if it’s something that could be addressed by good ol’ maintenance.

Unclog Blockages

In case your vacuum’s suctioning power isn’t performing as strongly as it used to—or as it should be—then you might want to check for blockages. An item may be blocking the hose, which prevents it from picking up dirt and other debris as smoothly as it should. If it’s not in the intake hose, then the blockage could be coming from the exhaust ports, so do check up on that as well.

Clean Vacuum Bags and Filters

Your vacuum bag is not the trash bag. Therefore, it doesn’t mean that just because it’s sucked the dirt and debris into it, you can already call it a day and give your certification of clean approval.